Open Paradigm



  • focus on what they are actually communicating to you




Field Leader

  • Architects

  • Teachers

  • Lifelong learners

  • Communities that have successfully implemented similar learning frameworks

  • Academic Analysts / Critics

  • local community outreach

Field Team (Organization, Company)


Remove the financial paywalls on learning and knowledge, and revert institutions back to open cultures (Princeton, Harvard, MIT) of the 1930-50’s — The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge - Abraham Flexner.



How can enabling policies, mentoring and support structures, and research synergize to develop coherent sustainability models?

What research must be conducted to identify best practices in OER implementation?

What types of mentoring and support structures enable districts to benefit from the existing body of knowledge about OER?

What types of enabling policies remove existing systemic barriers to OER implementation?


free information

free learning


Show them that some of the great original thinkers in history were very similar to them, (show the thinker with humility not a figure on a pedestal)


humility humanity passion sharing compassion inspiring empathy innovation egalitarianism honest reasoning curiosity question everything anti-competitive anti-scarcity modesty (enough to satisfy) constructive behavior


The scope of such endeavor is beyond my own lifetime, however, the greatest risk to mankind might be far greater in the complicit bystander act of doing nothing at all.

The scope is a multi-generational, multi-disciplined, global effort.


While we are not far off from the quintessential post-internet education system, we have a few important issues to get right.

There exists a university-to-workforce paradigm that predefines the function of learning.

There exists root-cause ideologies embedded in the fabric of the existing education system, indoctrinated by prior legislators such that the set of ideals prevent any band-aid solution from fundamentally fixing the problem(s).

The historical function to satisfy the needs of a wartime economy and other ideologies of past generations remain rooted in the American education system.

Since world war times, there exists a rooted function in university to satisfy the needs of a wartime economy funded by programs such as the GI Bill, grant money, and FAFSA. Research carried out in university enriches the technologies of the army, programs such as ROTC act as unofficial reserves to store physically fit ready-men in case of war.

The deficiencies of the education system today can be attributed to an infrastructure problem; the socioeconomic policies are not evolving to meet the needs of the people of 2019.

Two primary root problems pertain to decoupling the education system from the learning model (standardized learning curricula for K-12 + university) and decoupling the university-to-workforce paradigm.

there exists fundamental policies, values, and practices that instill barriers on learning: convoluted licensing and proprietary textbook and materials v. OER, lottery schooling, grading, core (hidden) curricula v. open curricula, information journal paywalls, sub-optimal practices (workflows & workspaces), ineffective through improper use of educational funds, core failure in the ideologies of 'no child left behind', the technical gap, the knowledge gap, the inadequacies to provide financial aid for the middle class who end up paying the most for education, and the university transition into business-like operations.

the current implementation of the Internet both by society and institutions is ineffective.

Internet access and social platforms are monetized by cooperations; publicly funded research is laundered through conglomerates and paywalled.

In society, device screen time is a concern to social balance in adolescents and adults, data privacy is muddied in court system — politicians don’t understand basic Internet concepts, and above all, the chairman of the SEC is a former Verizon executive who opposes the overwhelming popular classification of the Internet.

the fragmentation, research paywall, and data redundancy of information on the Internet does not positively contribute to the communication of verified understandings discovered by the global scientific community; rather, the privatization of scientifically verified knowledge silo’d on domains hosted all over the Internet contributes to the spread of misinformation and unfound truths.

There exists financial paywalls that administer and restrict opportunity to open learning cultures from those of which who the administrators deem inept.

There exists a competitive nature to the current learning model that artificially indoctrinates scarcity in opportunity.

Known Issue

Known Factor

Known Insight

Known Dependency

Factor to Address

For sustainability, financial paywalls must be dissolved on open learning cultures and new paradigms must be adopted iteratively.

How do we remove biases of parents imposed by the class-based structure to get all classes to "buy" into this education paradigm? What is to say the lower class parents enroll their kids in this paradigm but the wealthy families use the power of money to buy a higher quality of education?

Quality Attribute



Iterative, agile

Free information.

Knowledge - Always free.

Public knowledge share.

No money flow throughout the flowing of information.

Knowledge-share is central to growth and future innovation.

do not regulate public vs private knowledge.

Use only incentives to boost public information.

The ability to learn at a contemplative pace for consciously deeper levels of cognitive thinking that just feels natural.

maximize common knowledge to elevate effective communication (both quality of communication and line of communication) while maintaining the human right to privacy and anonymity.

Functional Requirement

modeled and emphasized core values

decentralize academy from learning

open learning space

learning space is not brick & mortar (no buildings!)

update laws, legislation, acts, programs to protect the rights of individuals

Non-Functional Requirement

give kids freedom to figure out how they wanted to express those values

Focus on values over rules

adaptive to learning style





Offer a novel approach to lifelong learning from adolescence to adulthood

Implement a software framework solution that parallels human curiosity onward through an individual's digressive path in pursuit of acquiring, processing, and applying knowledge

Expected Result

Actual Result

New Insight

New Factor

New Factor to Address

New Scope

Last updated

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