Field Team Role Placement Algorithm


Remove human-intervention in the hiring process

"What will eventually get built is a system that understands them as individuals. Then you won't need a resume, and you won't need to apply anything." Laszlo Bock (Former Head of Human Resources at Google)

Add reference

"Any method that emphasizes competency and skills over things like ethnicity is a welcome development and truly part of the Swedish innovation spirit."Matt Kriteman (TNG Chief Operating Officer)

Leaner's forge their own curriculum (no one chooses a student's curriculum)


Implement a hiring solution to reduce prospecting latency

Optimally match candidates with employers based on higher-quality metrics.

Develop a streamlined method / tool that autonomously and dynamically matches employers with workers (Removes the use of the Resume)




There exists a direct relationship wherein the more diverse the data is, the more targeted the matchmaking process will be.

There exists human bias pertaining to (gender, ethnicity, voice, education, appearance, mutual-interest, emotional (empathetic) bias rising from informal conversations before or after an interview

There exists an unsustainable and undesirable level of resources (time) wasted in the process of matching. ex (date scene, parking spaces, hiring, seeking apartments, seeking roommates)

There exists an inherent bias in every human deployed in the interview process correlating specific desirable / undesirable traits based on personal interactions (stereotyping).

There exists a set of human traits, behaviors, skillset, and preferences that must be taken into consideration and given proper weights to satisfy a mutually optimal match between candidate and employer.

There exists an error in human perception and logical thinking by the employer during the interview process, beyond the capability of any given mathematical solution.

There exists a direct relationship wherein salary-based work promotes competition that evokes conflicting ambitions and systemic inequality in the pursuit of equal or higher pay.

There exists inconsistency in the success rate of any given new-hire and company to mutually satisfy one another's need. (any given new-hire does not meet productivity expectations or a new company does not fulfill a positive workplace culture.)

There exists inconsistency in the metrics being quantified and measured in candidates, depending on the company, industry, culture, location.

There exists a disproportional valuation of a candidate's likability factor over competency in any given company resulting in advantageous opportunity for the well-liked candidates.

There exists an unsustainable level of inflated bullshit jobs in global economies.

There exists an unsatisfactory level of uncertainty in commitment to any given match. (candidate may accept an opportunity from Company A but ghost Company A for a greater opportunity offered by Company B.)

There exists human bias in the interview process within the first 20 seconds of human interaction, among other conscious and subconscious biases seen throughout the interview process.

There exists a lack of standardized social awareness in opportunity acceptance. ex (candidate commits to Company A but Company B still assumes candidate is available.)

Known Issue

"Recruiting is very much a leap of faith.

It's a huge investment.

It's a huge commitment.

And you need to believe in the decision that you make.

I find it very difficult to believe that recruiting managers will rely on a robot.

[...] The candidate will come to the interview thinking: 'Is this a place where I want to work? 'Is this somebody I want to work with?'

They get their own gut feeling and it will affect their decision a great deal.

I am very concerned about what robots may do to that part of the process."Dr Malin Lindelöw

Known Factor

Known Insight

"Interviews are like dating; it doesn't matter how nice you are or what a genius you are, you won't get a call back if the interviewer doesn't feel a connection."

Q: "how do you differentiate between two candidates who are equally qualified?"

A: "I don't think there's such thing as two people who are literally equally qualified for the same job. Someone always has a slight edge. It may not be enough to make that much of a difference, but you can use that to help you make the call."

A: "Or go with your gut. If you like them both that much, consider hiring them both. I'm a big fan of hiring ahead of my growth. Always look ahead at what your needs are going to be, not just the ones you have now. And remember, it's not just about skills. EQ matters." Gary Vee

Known Dependency

Factor to Address

reinstate the values of technical, humanities, trade work

Quantifying Competency

Should Soft Skills be Quantified?

To what extent do ethics play in the event of qualifying a person's soft skills? (Assumption — to the individual, inherent pressure is placed on the individual to fit a certain mold to receive a given role)

What is the best method to retrieve the most qualitative data? ex( is the data more accurate when self-assessed by questionnaires or when a quality of someone is peer reviewed?)

What is the purpose in measuring human soft skills? Does qualitative data about a human provide valued insight to how well a person is capable of a role?

Are there methods to measure data wherein the integrity of the data can stand on it's own merits? ex( what is the best method to measure a person's degree of any given characteristic, say "to what degree is Person 1 a leader given * role in Environment C")

Further, if a given person is quantified as 70% of a natural leader, but applies to a role with a strongly weighted leadership emphasis, person might attain false hope in pursuing an opportunity said person will not be most qualified for. ex (one who is 70% of a leader will never be awarded the opportunity when there exists a candidate is >71% of a leader.)

Quality Attribute

Functional Requirement

Non-Functional Requirement





Expected Result

Actual Result

New Insight

New Factor

New Factor to Address

New Scope

Last updated

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