Systems Theory
Annotation: A given system should always be iteratively evolving.
Annotation: Small, agile is always less problematic than large unmaintained
Annotation: Since solutions change the context of system behavior, it is important to use abstraction in system analysis and design
Model Theory
Finding: If the model is too intricate for a first grader to understand, the model is prone to unsustainability.
Decisions & Power
Annotation: The power of the people is in the collective of decisions individuals consciously make. Unconscious decisions are those not made by the individual. The United States is contingent on the balance between conscious decisions of the people and unconscious decisions diverted to the State, a relationship known as Hume's Paradox. A true democracy has no unconscious decisions.
Wisdom: Since knowledge is power, empower knowledge through planned execution.
The Youth Faces Unsustainable Environmental Threats
Generations of Youth face both systemic and environmental threats that older generations have ignored for decades.
The looming threats of socioeconomic inequality, climate change, deforestation, dwindling food resources, pollution, over-consumption, materialism, mass animal extinctions, the list goes on.. are the factors I'm contributing as unsustainable.
Why Have We Regressed?
Annotation: The laws of nature has it's duties.
Entropy has it's course, but Humans also have duties, protect the moral integrity for why we continue to exist; sustain our little slice of the universe by means of evolving intelligent humane life states of progression.
continually iterating, upgrading, advancing, evolving, progressing into a higher form of our past self.
Our children's standards, expectations, ambitions should be twice as high as ours.
The greatest generation aimed their ambition towards the moon, why have we regressed to capitalize on all human ambition? what happened to Goodspeed?
What happened to human ingenuity and human spirit?
Tech Drives Economies, Will Soon Outgrow Socioeconomic Model
Technological development is what drives current economies but it will soon outgrow the limits of market-based systems with over optimization in production. More than half the American workforce is comprised of bullshit jobs which will be replaced by automation.
Cost of Education
Finding: Fewer families are capable of providing their children adequate post-secondary education without warranting rising student loans.
Finding: Education has become a Commercial Good for Private Investors.
Finding: Students are succumbing to stress, anxiety, depression, and addiction brought on by the competitive nature of the established education system, seeking maximum reward in both academic financing and academic opportunity.
State of Education
Assumptions Designed Into the Current Education System
knowledge should paid at the premium by Universities, Corporations, and Individuals
Education is an investment on investors who invest in a student's education through the use of high student loans to wager future income and likelihood the investment will be paid back with interest
Education is only path to gain qualification for work
Students are to be professed into a single discipline so to develop a repertoire of idiosyncratic verbiage to describe the same concepts (speaking over one other in different idioms about the same thing.)
No Child Left Behind
Assumption: The current education system provides one option for a million families when in fact, there should be millions of options for the millions of families.
A schooling system designed to fit everyone, thus fits no one.
Over Regulation
Finding: Culturally, we have lost faith in our children's ability to learn on their own by providing a system too structured and too focused on how the child should learn.
A schooling system as it has been preserved in a business model, unimproved for the last century.
System Design
The founding Institution of standardized education — Isolated from reality yet succinctly licit with the policies of ruling monickers in effort to maintain existence of the institution of which Noam Chomsky speaks.
The sole function underlying the education system is to produce competent employees for the industrial workforce. The design of the system operates the same principles of the revolutionary business model of the late 1880's and early 1900's.
A conformist system that weaponizes learning in the tyrannical conquest to shape the minds of adolescents into obedient 9-5 employees.
An Education System designed for the privileged white middle to upper class men of Northern America more than a century ago.
Annotation: The Education System was never designed for the poverish, the mentally or physcially disabled, minorities, women.
Finding: Designed to fail at open learning, prepare men for the workforce, Promote conformist ideals
Education Paradigm
Wisdom: As the educator, you are not to tell the children what to learn, rather expose them to the available knowledge and content out there in the world.
Education Dilemma
Finding: The ability to fix the education system is practical, sustaining the current paradigm is not.
We have the technology, a global network for human commmunication, and the tools for universal learning.
Beaurocracy, Politics, and Business are the barriers in the way.
The Value of the Internet in Education
The most valuable addition to the current education system is the Internet; the role of which must be recognized and properly defined as a tool to progress human understanding, ability, and quality of life.
The Origins of the Internet
The beginnings of the Internet as we know today, was decentralized and cultivated an open free culture with Unix, Linux, free software, wiki, blogs, etc. That is, until the dot-com boom came along and centralized the Internet.
The Usefulness of The Internet
Annotation: What was once left in failure, untried, or inconceivable generations ago remains achievable in good time
The State of Expert Knowledge Systems
Finding: Tested and studied research rots away behind paywalls.
Annotation: the storage of Information is diversified -- most likely unequally though.
someone pays to store the data, running electrical costs.
paywalled web server databases.
small business databases (web servers).
private domain (web servers).
corporate entity databases (Facebook, Google, YouTube, Netflix).
public domain databases (Wikipedia, web archives).
consumer domain (cloud services)
Tech Companies
Google provides open source products but has monopolized the search engine and is facing public scrutiny by the EU and others, Apple has built a walled-garden where most technologies are built in-house but is run by 100% solar energy, Facebook openly sells your data. Verizon and AT&T have privatized and monopolized access to the Internet.
Open Source Dev Community
Open Source dev communities increase in size and scale in providing alternative effective solutions for free. All existing software is built upon open source frameworks, libraries, protocols, software.
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